CATALAN! is an insurgency rock project by Ewen Friers. Musician//Writer//Podcaster

It’s a worldly curiosity and a celebration of diversity that drives CATALAN! The danceable indie rock rants with thought provoking lyrics have become somewhat of a calling card for this protest rock project by Ewen Friers. Aiming to spark lively debate around everything from environmental catastrophe to social media deluge, Friers’ stream of consciousness and reference heavy lyrics are yapped over a backdrop of infectious rhythms, fizzy guitars and synthy bass grooves. Firmly nodding to a wide range of inspirations from world music, hip-hop and post-rock Ewen adds an engaging social commentary layer to this eclectic sound.

Following the release of the spoken word piece “Home”, a critique meets celebration of the North of Ireland, that ruffled some feathers locally, Cornelius is the latest track to be released as part of an ever-expanding set. This track tackles a vast array of subject matter whilst keeping the listener hooked with a driving rhythmical pulse. We also get a full sense of Ewen using his travels and years of touring with various bands to inspire his creative output. Given that he has just spent the last few months touring Asia with ASIWYFA and playing a host of Irish CATALAN! shows (including the acts very own self organised festival on the North Coast) we can be confident the inspiration is coming for the forthcoming debut album and European tour.


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